Recent media about Alcor and cryonics
On April 26, Alcor welcomed YouTube interviewer David Allen to Alcor. David’s show, Abnormal Voyages, spotlights “the more unique and unusual places that people may not have heard of before”. David’s goal is to be both educational and entertaining. I found him pleasant and fun as an interviewer. The results reflect that. Hopefully, this video will reach a new audience. Check it out!
A New Tomorrow – (Exploring Cryonics with The Alcor Life Extension Foundation)
Some other recent news stories of interest:
“The Weird History of Cryonics, or Freezing People to Bring Them Back to Life in the Future”, by Brent Swancer, Mysterious Universe, April 28, 2021
“Not so sci-fi: Could humans harness cryonics?”, by Chloe Tenn. Mancunion, April 30, 2021.
–Max More, Alcor Ambassador & President Emeritus