Alcor Associate Membership
ALCOR IS NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Everything below applies only to grandfathered associates. Please submit an application for full membership instead.
Supporters of Alcor who are not yet ready to make cryopreservation arrangements can become an Associate Member for $5 per month (or $60 per year). Associate Members are members of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation who have not made cryonics arrangements but financially support the organization. Associate Members will receive:
- Printed copies of Cryonics magazine in the mail unless they are outside the U.S. or they notify us that they would rather have an electronic copy.
- Discounts on Alcor conferences.
- Access to post in the Alcor Member Forums.
You may stop the automatic dues payments at any time either by contacting Alcor or, if you have a PayPal account, by following PayPal’s directions.
Associate Members can improve their chances of being cryopreserved in an emergency if they complete and provide us with a Declaration of Intent to be Cryopreserved. Financial provisions would still have to be made by you or someone acting for you, but the combination of Associate Membership and Declaration of Intent meets the informed consent requirement and makes it much more likely that we could move ahead in a critical situation.