LV Patent
Alcor has traditionally and consistently used whole-body immersive ice baths to rapidly cool our patients in the field, chilling them during transport until cryoprotectant perfusion begins. This is because hypothermic conditions slow the metabolism and extend the biological viability of our cells. This method of full-immersion ice bath external cooling has been generally considered the standard of care for Alcor patients. However, cryonics researchers have been working for several decades to develop a potentially more efficient and portable intra-lung cooling system that can be used in the field. We refer to this corporeal cooling system as Liquid Ventilation, or LV for short. 

Liquid ventilation has a higher theoretical cooling efficiency than the ice bath because of the central location of the lungs in the body and their intimate proximity to the circulatory system. Despite this, it’s mainly due to difficulties with protecting patient lungs from excessive forces during active chest compressions that the promise of a safe LV system for cryonics patients has eluded us. We hope that through clever design, programming, and modern control systems, this safety risk can be carefully monitored and circumvented.  

The research team at Alcor has recently submitted an Alcor-assigned patent for a Liquid Ventilation cooling process that aims to solve this problem. It does this using direct intra-lung pressure sensing and novel fluid infusion and extraction timing methods, among other claims. A second major claim of Alcor’s LV patent application provides the promise of field portability, a self-contained system which can be carried by one person. We believe that while initially very beneficial to our member/patients, our LV invention could someday see use as a life-saving device providing portable therapeutic hypothermia in mainstream and/or military medicine.
Steve Graber
Director of Innovation
Alcor Life Extension Foundation


Along with the news of the liquid ventilation patent above by Steve Graber, we would like to announce that we received a generous donation from
Stichting Aeracura for RAPID research regarding liquid ventilation. The Alcor team appreciates this generous donation for advancing this promising research.

Don’t miss the new issue of Cryonics!
Lots of stimulating and informative material in the third quarter 2021 issue. In “Scarcity or Abundance?”, Max More continues his “Getting Better” series, this time examining badly wrong pessimistic forecasts. The famous bet between economist Julian Simon and ecologist Paul Ehrlich is examined, and Max explains the Simon Abundance Index, which shows that the Earth has become several times more plentiful over the last few decades.
In “Alcor Case Metrics 1967-1999”, Aschwin de Wolf and Michael Benjamin report results of the ongoing meta-analysis, this time covering the pre-vitrification era of high concentration glycerol perfusions. You can find out the percentage of local cases, autopsies, unattended (legal) deaths, straight freezes, standbys, cases with cardiopulmonary support, duration of procedures, and more.
In “How do you most effectively argue for life extension and cryonics?”, Max More provides an answer based on his several decades of discussion and debate. Have you ever been frustrated when trying to argue that extending the maximum human life span is desirable and that cryonics is a way to do it? You may have used perfectly sound arguments and yet hit a wall in the conversation. Max explains how to apply the classical rhetorical triumvirate of logos, ethos, and pathos – essentially reason, credibility, and feeling. He shows how to persuasively address typical objections and sources of resistance such as a belief in a natural time to die, the expectation of boredom, the supposed loss of life’s meaning, fears of the stagnation of society, and the belief that life extension is only for the rich.
“Alcor’s First Half Century Part 1: 1970-1976” is Mike Perry’s first installment of his historical investigation of Alcor. How did the organization get started? What inspired the founders? How was what they did different from the failed cryonics organizations of the 1960s? This fascinating article may surprise many readers. The careful, detailed, and intelligent way the founders, Fred and Linda Chamberlain, set about structuring the organization still looks solid today. You can see this in the quoted article, “Alcor Activities and Systems” from November-December 1972.
Plus Jason Harrow on “Cryonics and the New Space Age”, and the latest Fight Aging and Revival updates.
We are beginning to plan a conference for Alcor's 50th Anniversary and would like to gauge the level of interest in attending an in-person conference June 3-5, 2022. If Alcor scheduled an in person conference in June of 2022 would you attend in person?
The Annual Strategic Meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Sep. 11, 2021. If you were not able to attend and would like to catch up on the latest research and information from Alcor you can click on the link below and watch at your leisure.
Click here for link


Alcor Check-In

Enrollment is open for Alcor Check-In! Be connected to EMTs 24/7 and have additional features through a supporting app. The team of EMTs will call you to check-in at the frequency of your choice (up to once per day) and notify your emergency contacts if needed. Alcor is offering this service at $30 per month.

Contact [email protected] if you have any additional questions or to return the form below.
Get Started Here - Enrollment/Agreement

Remember every recurring donation for RAPID receives a matching donation

Keep Reading


Islam Babaev
Ken Weiss

A& P Global Goods
Jon Burbage
Linda Chamberlain
Rudi Hoffman
Roy Hollis
Eric Magro
Thomas Meyer
Robert Newport
Alex Noyle
Boris Reznik

Next Alcor Board Meeting
Saturday, October 9, 2021, 11:00 a.m.


Cryonics magazine is delivered quarterly by email. If you have not supplied Alcor with an email to receive your copy please send a request to [email protected]. As always, you can also view the magazine on our website.

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