Alcor members requested a service to help monitor and improve response times for cases.  Several monitoring services are available in the general market and some of them cost up to $50/month.  Alcor extensively tested some of these services and formed a partnership to support an optional service that is now available exclusively for Alcor members.

The service provider offers live daily calls to the general public at a price of $30/month.  On behalf of our members, Alcor was able to negotiate additional value and features for the same price that is offered to the general public!  Alcor Check-In service supports:

  • Live daily calls at a specific time with emergency support from 24/7 call centers;
  • A mobile app supporting additional functionality, such as mobile check-in to suppress calls, declaration of emergency to initiate a call, geo-location, and more;
  • Notification sent to our SST team and providers to help Alcor respond in case of emergency.

Alcor’s strategic partners, Suspended Animation (SA) and International Cryomedicine Experts (I.C.E.), both tested the Alcor Check-In and shared the following statements:

Suspended Animation was honored to be given the opportunity to beta test Alcor's new patient monitoring phone application.  After using the service for 30 days, we were pleased with the timeliness of the check-in calls, professionalism of the representatives, and speed of service should assistance be needed.  The additional utilities within the application provide a variety of coverage for the varied lifestyles of Alcor's members.  This is a great value add to Alcor's member services and SA recommends this application to all Alcor members, especially those in rural areas, living alone, or outdoor adventurers.  

  • Sayer Johanson

International Cryomedicine Experts (I.C.E.) is honored to have been selected to beta test Alcor’s new check-in service. The service provides a level of security, knowing that if one of us were to become ill or incapacitated, Alcor would be notified. Because time is so important when it comes to optimal cryopreservation, this service would help reduce the time between deanimation and the start of cool down and stabilization.  Kudos to Sarah and the Alcor staff for providing this service to the members and helping I.C.E. receive advanced notice for S.S.T.

  • Eric Vogt

Alcor Check-In is an optional service available to interested Alcor members.  If you want to enroll in the service, want more information, or simply to test the service out for a limited time, please contact our Case Logistics Manager at [email protected].

One year until Alcor turns 50!

On February 23, Alcor will turn 49 years old. If you have read my recent two-part article in Cryonics on organizational longevity, you’ll know that is already a fairly impressive run. We will have to keep the organization humming for decades to come but next year’s 50th anniversary offers a good opportunity to celebrate Alcor’s longevity. It might not be too much of a stretch to hope for an Alcor-50 in-person conference in 2022 (perhaps 18 months from now). If that doesn’t work out, we still have the option of an online event. Although not the same as in-person, I’ve attended several excellent online conferences. As people gain more experience, they keep improving.
If you have been flourishing financially, you might think about making a major 50th-year gift for Alcor. The organization can always use new resources to improve our ability to serve, cryopreserve, and care for members and patients. There are more promising research opportunities than we can fund despite some remarkable contributions to the Research Fund in recent years. The Endowment would benefit from being both replenished and strengthened. I have made modest contributions to both those funds and encourage others to do so. Alcor would also benefit from more resources to build response capabilities and to grow membership to bolster the organization.

Alcor’s Care Services Manager, Dr. Michael Perry will be featured on Close Up Radio on Thursday February 18. You can read a related article here:

The interview will be accessible here:

Alcor Ambassador: Recent Interviews and Talks
In recent weeks I’ve given a couple of talks at online events and done several interviews. Even when the talk doesn’t have a cryonics focus I can usually curve around to it and try to get new people interested. On January 17, I participated in the H+ Academy Roundtable Online in discussion with Dr. Susan Schneider, William F. Dietrich Distinguished Professor, Florida Atlantic University and NASA philosopher. The topic of discussion was future minds: augmented human brains and artificial intelligence but, naturally enough, the subject of cryonics arose. Although we disagreed on some philosophical points, I was pleased that Susan was sympathetic to cryonics. I will keep in touch with Susan, even if primarily through my wife, Natasha, who has been made Senior Fellow of the Center for the Future Mind.
When the US Transhumanist Party invited me to be the featured speaker at their latest “Virtual Enlightenment Salon” on January 10, I accepted. Besides an audience already sympathetic to life extension and cryonics, I was given two hours to talk and answer numerous questions. After discussing the history of transhumanism as a world view and the Proactionary Principle as a decision-making took, I addressed issues of personal identity and continuity of the self based on my dissertation, The Diachronic Self, I spoke about the application of this to cryonics and preserving the continuity of the self, and concluded with thoughts on the future of cryonics.
Curiously, I did interviews with two different Russia media outlets. On January 28, I was interviewed by NTV, a network of over 250 million in 190 countries for their analytical news show.
Two days before, I got up early to film a live interview for Russia’s RT. Interestingly, my interviewer was Sophie Shevardnadze, the granddaughter of Eduard Shevardnadze, First Secretary of the Georgian Communist Party, the de facto leader of Soviet Georgia from 1972 to 1985, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. Ms. Shevardnadze shot her questions at me in just the way that you might imagine given that background. You can see the video here:
Finally, on January 26, I was interviewed live for NBC’s Peacock show LIT. This was spurred by reports of the death of Larry King. King had repeatedly and unapologetically stated his interest in cryonics. The hosts asked several times whether he had followed through and been cryopreserved by Alcor. Following standard procedure, I informed them that I could neither confirm nor deny this. As most of you will know, members and patients can be open or confidential (public or private). If they are open, Alcor officials can (but may or may not) confirm their membership. The answer will be a “can neither confirm nor deny” if the suggested individual is not a member or is a confidential member. By following this rule consistently, no one can infer from a “can neither confirm nor deny” answer whether or not someone is a member. Interview here:
A report on the appearance:
--Max More
Ambassador & President Emeritus 

AP & P Global Goods
Alex Noyle
Bart Pietrusiewicz
Alexander Pilmeister
Boris Reznik

Remember every recurring donation for RAPID receives a matching donation

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Next Alcor Board Meeting
Saturday, March 13, 2021, 11:00 a.m.

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