Alcor Members and Patients: Where and How Many?

Curious about the number of Alcor members and patients, where they are, and how many are neuro and who many whole body? You can find the numbers for the end of the previous month on the website here:

But that what you find there may not satisfy. Here’s a more complete update, as of January 31, 2021:

Members: 1,338 (“Member” here means a person with full contractual and financial arrangements to be cryopreserved by Alcor.) 641 neuro; 655 WB; 12 N/WB.

Associate Members: 304

Patients: 181 (N: 115; WB: 62; N/WB: 4; 134 males; 47 female.)

TOTAL: 1,823

There were 96 applicants in the process of becoming members.

How are members distributed internationally? After the US, not surprisingly the country with the largest number of (full) members is our neighbor, Canada. Third place goes to the United Kingdom with 40. Here’s the full list:

Country                 Members/Associates/Patients

Australia                11      5        3       

Austria                   1        0        0       

Belgium                 1        0        0       

Brazil                    1        0        0       

Bulgaria                 1        0        0       

Canada                  70      8        3       

China                    0        0        1       

Croatia                  2        0        0       

Czech Republic      0        2        0       

Finland                  1        0        0       

France                   1        0        1       

Germany               20      2        0       

Hong Kong             2        0        0       

Hungary                1        0        0       

Israel                    1        0        1       

Italy                       1        0        0       

Japan                     4        2        1       

Luxembourg           1        0        0       

Malaysia                1        0        0       

Mexico                   5        0        0       

Monaco                  1        0        0       

Netherlands           1        1        0       

New Zealand           1        0        0       

Norway                  2        0        0       

Portugal                 4        0        1       

Puerto Rico            1        0        0       

Slovenia                0        1        0       

Spain                    5        0        2       

Sweden                 1        1        0       

Switzerland            2        1        0       

Taiwan                   1        0        0       

Thailand                3        0        1       

UK                        40      5        3       

USA                      1151  68      164   

Totals                   1338  96      181