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Administrative Report

Membership Statistics
On January 31, 2008, Alcor had 842 members on its Emergency Responsibility List. Seven memberships were approved during this month, no memberships were reinstated, two memberships were cancelled and one member was cryopreserved. Overall, there was a net gain of four members this month.

Applicant Statistics
Eleven new applicants were added, seven applicants were converted to members and three applicants were cancelled (due to nonpayment of Extended App. Fees), resulting in a net gain of 1 applicant for this month.

Information Packets
275 info packs were requested this month, 205 were from the US, UK, Canada & Australia and the remaining were handed out during facility tours or from special request. When reviewing the source we found that when there is a media broadcast that is about or includes Alcor the number of requests increases. The sources of info pack requests for the month indicate the following:

• A documentary titled Freeze Me aired on the National Geographic Channel in Australia, Canada, and possibly other countries (including the US)

• There were other TV shows that aired in Canada that may have contributed (ie Mystery Hunters and YTV)

• The Modern Marvels episode Deep Freeze aired again in the US on 01/29

• A website called “Totally Free Stuff” advertises Alcor’s DVD The Limitless Future and links site visitors to Alcor’s free information page

• A dozen or so people mentioned Alcor’s advertisement in LEF Magazine, an article in the New York Times, The First Immortal, and Wikipedia as their source of referral

• There were also a handful of referrals from Alcor members.
The average total of 275 info packs sent per month in 2008 as compared to 129 in 2007. There were 30,473 website hits for the month of January.

Tanya Jones gave an interview to Wendy Grossman, a reporter for a daily newspaper in the UK called, The Guardian. To read this article, go to:

We continue to regularly contact those who are behind on their dues via letters, emails and/or phone calls. Those who have made payment commitments account for approximately 62% of the outstanding amount shown below for January. These members are largely adhering to their commitments thus far, and we will continue to monitor such on a monthly basis. There are still about 20 members who are unresponsive to our collection efforts. Some of them will likely be terminated during the first quarter, following further attempts to resolve their accounts.

Conference DVD
Another source of significant effort was completing a second viewing and editing session for the 7th Alcor Conference DVD set. The next steps are to make final adjustments to the slides, correct sound issues, and create menus, before sending the DVDs into replication.

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