New issue of Cryonics! Case report, economic dematerialization, record caseload analysis, the math of infinite survival, and more
Don’t miss out on the fourth quarter 2022 issue of Cryonics magazine. Alcor co-founder Linda Chamberlain’s report informs us about member A-3434, a 90-year-old, starting 99 days before legal death, and covering assessment and pre-deployment, preparation, and deployment, standby and stabilization, field surgery and cryoprotectant perfusion, transport, and cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature. The report includes CT scan results and a discussion of issues arising without shying away from confronting what could have gone better.
In “Our Recent Heavy Caseload: How Often Can We Expect This?”, Mike Perry looks at the tight clustering over a recent four-month period in which we had nine human cases (and several pets too). His analysis suggests that the clustering we have seen should not be happening for on the order of a century. So, what explains this challenging case load?
Max More continues his Getting Better series of articles by looking at “Peak Stuff: The Dematerialization of the Economy.” Many anti-life extensionists believe that the future is grim due to worsening pollution and reduced resources. Adding to previous contrary evidence, Max shows that the most advanced economies appear to be starting to use fewer resources and have less environmental impact. This has been true for decades considered relative to population but now is happening absolutely. Arm yourself with this information for the next time you talk to a future-doomster.
In “A Mathematical Model of Infinite Survival”, Mike Perry looks at the problem of the long-term preservation of information.
You will also find updated membership stats, and the usual reports from the front line in the fight against aging.
Revival Update surveys the news and research to report on new developments that bring us closer to the revival of cryonics patients. One example is the recent Yale-developed technology that restored cell and organ function in pigs after death (by the usual standard). Another is that of computer-in-memory chips, which bring us closer to bringing AI directly to our devices rather than needing to shuttle data to the cloud for computation.