Read the Fourth Quarter 2021 Issue of Cryonics!

The current issue of Cryonics magazine, published online, packs in plenty of good reading. Following the explanation of the Donor Challenge, in “Limits to Limits to Growth”, Max More critically reviews the infamous and Malthusian 1972 Club of Rome’s report Limits to Growth and how its claims have held up since. An accompanying piece, “Peak Oil Hysteria”, examines repeated claims that we have reached the peak of oil production, and considers what that would imply.

In “Let’s Make Sure The Next Carl Sagan Is a Cryonicist”, Jason Harrow extracts a lesson from Sagan’s failure to make cryonics arrangements.

Alcor Case Metrics 1967-2020” continues to reveal how Alcor is doing on a number of variables from its origin until today.

Schrödinger’s Freezer and the Restoration of Lost Information: Some Consequences of an Interesting Variant of the Many Worlds Interpretation” will stretch the physics-and-philosophy part of your brain.

And this issue includes the usual thorough roundup of anti-aging research and revival-related technologies.