James Clement steps down from the board of directors
James Clement, a member of the Alcor board of directors since December 2008, has stepped down, stating that he no longer has the time to handle the responsibilities of the position.
Among the many contributions made by James during his time on the board, he:
* Did most of the work to create the Alcor Endowment Trust Supporting Organization, and gained IRS approval for it as a separate tax-exempt organization from Alcor. This structure for our Endowment provides much greater security than existed before.
* Was acutely conscious in shortcomings in casework, leading him to propose the Quality Control Specialist position.
* Was an instrumental board member in the search for a replacement for Aaron.
* Served during 2016 as board Chair, attending most meetings in person.
* Brought Bonnie Magee to Alcor as Chief Finance Officer.
We are sad to see him leave as a board member, and value his contributions, and we wish him well in his current and future projects.