Site icon Alcor

New Statistics (as of July)

Alcor currently has 892 members on its Emergency Responsibility List. Three memberships were approved, no memberships were reinstated, no memberships were cancelled and one member was cryopreserved. Overall, there was a net gain of two members this month.
Alcor had 61 applicants for membership. Seven new applicants were added, three applicants were converted to members and three applicants were cancelled resulting in net gain of one applicant for this month.
Info Pack
There were 204 information packet requests. Nine were handed out during facility tours or from special requests. The average total of 160 information packets sent per month in 2009 is compared to 173 in 2008.

Site Access
The number of distinct computers that accessed the Alcor website in each of the past thirteen months are:
30,845 June
23,794 July
23,087 August
23,083 September
24,261 October
23,218 November
35,020 December
35,741 January
31,625 February
28,479 March
29,313 April
27,819 May
26,770 June

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