Southern California Cryofeast

(A.K.A. The Turkey Roast, BBQ and Pot Luck)
Once a year, Alcor cryonicists from around the Southern California area, gather together and have a fabulous party. What better way to meet and mingle with optimistic futurists from every walk of life! This is your opportunity to get answered all those nagging questions like: “who are these people?” And “What’s with the ice?” Bring a bathing suit and towel if you feel like a dip in the pool or hot tub.

Location: Red Rhino Ranch
10250 Penrose St.
La Tuna Canyon, CA 91352 USA

Our gracious hosts who have volunteered their private home are: Emi Joy and Baron Reichart Von Wolfsheild. You’ll be met with open arms and warm greetings.

Date: Saturday, December 2nd 2006
Time: 2:P.M. till 10:P.M. or until you can drive again

And/or call 310.795.0141 and coordinate with Regina Pancake on what you will
bring for the pot luck, so as to avoid embarrassing amounts of any one food group.