Team Training

Team Training
The Arizona Regional Response Team held an afternoon of training on January 23rd at Alcor Central. With 19 volunteers attending, not including Alcor staff, this session was the largest turnout that Alcor has had in a long time. It is encouraging to see the return of strong local enthusiasm not only for our local members, but also for members that relocate to Scottsdale/Phoenix when they are facing terminal health issues. This training event was followed by a CryoFeast that was hosted by Bonnie Magee, Alcor’s Finance Director. Thanks to Jack St. Claire for offering his home as the cryonics clubhouse in Scottsdale.

During the course of January, our members had five different surgeries, four diagnostic tests and three members were diagnosed with cancer for the first time.
This increase raises Alcor’s Orange Alert watch list to ten. To be tracked on this list a member may be diagnosed with a terminal condition; be undergoing a non-elective surgical procedure; or whose health is severely compromised due to an underlying medical condition.